You have the right to receive assistance if you are the victim of a hate crime! The counselling centres listed here will offer you with free, confidential and independent support and assistance. Your first step would be to arrange an appointment for counselling. The counselling centre will support you with any further steps you wish to take (e.g. dealing with authorities or the police) and make sure you receive the counselling you need (e.g. legal advice, psychosocial counselling). It is up to you to decide which assistance you want to accept.
Authorities and public administrations also have contact points that work to combat hate crime and discrimination. These include the police and municipal offices. You can contact the municipal offices if you experience discrimination or hate crime in your dealings with the City of Munich (e.g. at a municipal school or in your contact with social services). It is part of their responsibility to initiate change processes that raise awareness for hate crime and discrimination in public authorities and administrations.
Not only do the centres listed here document incidents that were reported to the authorities, they also keep records of those that were not reported. Reporting an incident to one of the documentation and research centres mentioned below can help to raise awareness among professionals and in Munich’s urban society about the extent of hate crime in our city.