
the crime!

Do not let the perpetrators get away:
Report a criminal offence!

You should report a criminal offence if you are the victim of a hate crime! This is the only way for the police to investigate the crime, hold the perpetrators accountable and protect others from similar incidents. You can also report an incident to the police at a later date. But please bear in mind that the chances of solving a crime are highest if you contact the police immediately.

Click here for more information about where and how you can report a criminal offence.

What is the point of reporting an offence?

Many victims of hate crime do not report a criminal offence because they are unaware that the act is punishable, they are unaware of how to report an offence or they do not trust the police. But it is still important to report offences to the police.

So that the perpetrators can be punished and do not go on to re-offend

By reporting an offence, you help to ensure that the perpetrators are punished. Hate crimes are particularly serious and have fatal consequences for societal cohesion. This is why they are punished even more severely than other crimes and a punishment can deter perpetrators from re-offending.

You protect yourself and others by reporting an offence!

So that you can exercise your rights and receive support

No one should accept being insulted, spat on or physically attacked based on a racist, antisemitic or antiziganist slur or because of their language, religion, gender, sexual or gender identity, disability or chronic illness, age or social status. You are exercising your rights by reporting the offence to the police. In some cases you may even be entitled to compensation.

Exposing hate crime

Hate crime is an area in which an extraordinary number of cases go unreported. Only around 9 percent of hate crimes are reported to the police. Your report helps to expose hate crime!

Because every report ends up in the police statistics. In turn, these statistics help to exert the political pressure needed to improve the situation of everyone affected by hate crime in the long term: suitable measures include more education in schools, training for public authorities and institutions, more legal protection and the recruitment of more designated staff by the police, judiciary, municipalities and employers.

What can I report?

Hate crimes are criminal offences that are committed based on prejudice. Prejudice may be a direct contributing factor to the incident or be connected to the incident. The following is a list of the most frequent hate crimes:

Non-criminaldiscrimination is common in everyday situations as well. But that does not meanthat these forms of discrimination are permitted or acceptable! In many casesthere are offices to report an incident or lodge a complaint. Legal action canalso be taken against discrimination that violates the General Equal TreatmentAct – AGG (Info). You should always contact a counselling centre.

How do I proceed?
Step-by-step guide to reporting a criminal offence

Anyone can report a criminal offence (even minors) It is important to report the offence as soon as possible. This increases the chances that the police will be able to solve the crime. In addition, the victim must file a criminal complaint within three months for certain crimes (e.g. insults). You can prevent this period from expiring by going to the police as quickly as possible. The police will otherwise be unable to take action. In most cases you can report a criminal offence days, weeks and even months after the incident.

A criminal offence can be reported to the following authorities in particular:


Public prosecutor


The best method is to report the offence directly to the police. Click here for a list with the address and telephone numbers of the individual police stations in Munich.

You can call, go there in person or write a letter. Relate what happened in as much detail as possible. Ideally you should bring along the notes you made about what happened. The police is obliged to investigate all reports of criminal offences. The police must make a record of every reported incident. They are not allowed to simply send you away. You are entitled to request a safe space to report an incident if you feel uncomfortable with other people in the room. You may also ask for a state security officer to be brought in.

Click here for a template to report a criminal offence:


Minor witness protection

You are entitled to give the police an alternative address other than your own if you are exposed to particular danger (e.g. the danger of again becoming a victim of hate crime or if someone threatens you with violence because you want to report a criminal offence or make a statement about the proceedings). You can then provide another contact address, for example the address of a counselling centre that you have already asked to mediate between you and the police (known as “minor” witness protection).

Please note: Name the hate crime (discriminatory motivation)

If you report a criminal offence, it is important that you tell the police without being asked that the perpetrator acted out of prejudice towards (for example) your skin colour, language or sexual orientation and that it may be a case of hate crime. Insist that this wording is included in the record of your complaint. Otherwise refuse to sign the form (if you are reporting the offence in person).

Hate crimes are treated differently to other offences due to their particular seriousness and the severity of their effects on societal cohesion. More severe punishments are handed down, and the public prosecutor will not drop the cases due to triviality or lack of public interest.


Make notes of what happened directly after the incident. You can, for example, write down some bullet points, make a note on your smartphone or send yourself a voice note. What matters most is that you record as many details as possible.

Take someone along to support you when you report the offence to the police, for example a person you trust. You can also make contact with a counselling centre or lawyer before you go.

Make a note of the case number in case you have questions later on.

There are some particular aspects you need to consider when dealing with sexualised violence and hate speech (hate crime in a digital environment).

The “Equality protects against violence!” (Gleichberechtigung schützt vor Gewalt) campaign run by the city’s Gender Equality Office provides a good overview of procedures and help in cases of sexualised and domestic violence.

The Bavarian State Government’s "Bavaria against Hate" (Bayern gegen Hass) campaign offers information on dealing with and reporting hate speech.


Frequently asked questions about reporting a criminal offence

What does it mean to report a criminal offence and who can do it?

Reporting a criminal offence means that you file a complaint (usually to the police) that a criminal offence has or may have occurred. Anyone can report a criminal offence, even a child. This means that you can report an offence if you were the victim or a witness. You can report the offence yourself or ask a lawyer to do it for you.

Where and how can I report a criminal offence?

You can report a criminal offence verbally (in person or by telephone) or in writing. It can be done at any police station or the public prosecutor’s office. The quickest way is to go straight to the police. Click here for a list with the address and telephone numbers of the individual police stations in Munich.

Can I report an offence anonymously or at least withhold my address?

It is possible to report an offence anonymously (e.g. by telephone or letter). But the chances that the investigation will be successful are significantly lower.

You can keep your address secret (known as minor witness protection) if you are afraid that you or others (e.g. family members) might be put in danger. You may provide an alternative address where you can be reached. This might be the address of a counselling centre or a lawyer. Your own address will not be placed on file. If you would like to proceed in this way, it is advisable to contact a counselling centre before you go to the police. Click here for a list of counselling centres.

Apart from reporting the criminal offence, is there anything else I must do?

Not usually. But there are criminal offences – insults, for example – that the police can only investigate if a complaint is filed by the victim. A criminal offence must be reported to the police in writing in these cases. This report must be filed within three months. If you are personally the victim of this kind of offence (e.g. an insult) and file a report with the police, the police will normally inform you that you also have to file a criminal complaint.

When should I report a criminal offence?

A criminal offence should be reported as quickly as possible. This increases the chances that the police will be able to solve the crime. But you can report a criminal offence days, weeks and even months after the incident.

However, the victim must also file a criminal complaint for some offences (e.g. insults). Criminal complaints may only be filed within three months (for more information on filing a criminal complaint, refer to the answer to the question “Apart from reporting the criminal offence, is there anything else I must do?)”

Is there a charge for reporting a criminal offence?

No, you will not be charged anything for reporting a criminal offence.

What if no one believes me or takes me seriously?

The police and public prosecutor are obliged to take down your report of a criminal offence, provided you provide adequate objective information that a criminal offence may have occurred. So they are not allowed simply to send you away. You can contact a counselling centre if you get the impression that the police officers do not believe you or do not take you seriously or even send you away without filing the report.

Can I file a complaint about the behaviour of the police?

There is still no independent body to which complaints about the police can be submitted. However, Art. 17 of the Basic Law (GG) and Art. 115 of the Bavarian Constitution grant every person the right to file a complaint about the police and to be notified about the outcome of the internal investigation.

Anyone wishing to do so can use the contact form on the website of the Munich Police Force at any time.

The matter will be forwarded directly to the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) for further investigation if the complaint suggests criminal conduct on the part of the officers involved or if the complainant directly files a criminal complaint against them.